June – What to do in your garden this month

June 11, 2018 by Cherry Lane


Early summer brings high temperatures (if we’re lucky!) and with it the need to be vigilant with watering. Newly planted bedding plants need a little TLC for the first few weeks as they establish, so make sure they have enough moisture around them at all times. Keep watch for slugs and snails too, as they can be a nuisance! Elsewhere, in the productive garden, the ‘Hungry Gap’ of harvesting is brought to an end by the first strawberries, salads, baby root vegetables and even early potatoes towards the end of the month. Life is good in the garden!

Plant b edding plants. Now that all risk of frost has passed, it’s time to plant up any remaining tubs, baskets and troughs with colourful bedding such as Petunias, Alyssum and Busy Lizzies. Bedding also looks great planted in beds and borders, as they will reliably flower through the summer when cared for well.

Trim hedges and topiary. Clip Box, Yew & Privet hedging and topiary shapes lightly with shears to maintain their shape whilst they are in active growth.


Hanging baskets. These are safe to go outside now but check them for water daily, watering as necessary and feeding with a liquid feed such as Miracle Gro Pour & Feed fortnightly if you didn’t add a slow release feed at planting time.

Keep watch for infestation. Watch out for aphids and caterpillars on roses & fruit trees, bright red lily beetles on lilies and spray wherever any of these are found with a systemic insecticide such as Resolva Bug Killer.

june 1

Dead head roses. Regularly remove dead flower heads from roses to extend the flowering season.

Prune early flowering Clematis. Cut back established plants of montana, alpina and macropetala Clematis with shears once the flowers have finished to keep them tidy.

Look after tomato plants. Regularly water and feed weekly with a liquid tomato feed such as Tomorite once flower trusses start to appear. Remove side shoots growing in the leaf axils as they appear to focus the plant’s energy on producing fruit.

Lawn maintenance. With the grass growing strongly, cut your lawns weekly with the blades set low. Carry on treating lawn weeds with a selective herbicide such as Resolva Lawn weedkiller.