March – Monthly Plant Information

February 15, 2015 by Cherry Lane

General Tasks

Apply a general feed to trees, shrubs, perennials and fruit canes if you haven’t done so last month.

Trees and Shrubs

Prune back rose bushes by approx 1/3 to healthy outward facing buds and apply a feed of pelleted chicken manure, fish, blood and bone or a general fertilizer.

Bulbs and Perennials

Move pots of bulbs into their flowering positions if they are not there already and make sure the compost is not allowed to dry out.
Remove dead heads from early flowering bulbs as they start to fade.

Vegetable Garden

Sow tender vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers, chillies and cucumbers into a heated propagator.
Start planting chitted first early potatoes later this month when the ground has warmed up.
Plant onion sets if the soil is not to cold or wet.


Later in the month start to cut lawns when the weather is suitable, with the blades set on the highest setting.


Continue to feed birds and top up birdbaths if they are low.

Quick Tips

  • Move snowdrops in leaf as flowers fade
  • Complete winter pruning of deciduous fruits, cane fruits and ornamental shrubs
  • Plant berrying trees and shrubs to attract birds
  • Cut back penstemons and ornamental grasses where top growth has been left for winter protection or interest